She'll Be Right

How would you survive if you lost everything?

With no money, no friends and no family, this story,  inspired by true events, is a 15 year old teenage girl’s struggle to reach womanhood.  She is certain of one thing – she knows she can only depend on herself.

Look Inside the Book

"I didn't know it then, but for the rest of my life, the questions about origin and parents would be like the pointy, prickly "tag along" burrs stuck deep between the pads of a dog's paw."
"The more I told myself, "Stop! You can't do this, it's not right! " the more I heard the lyric, "I am having a good time. Don't stop me now..." resonating in my head. "
"I didn't know what to expect. I had seen many bodies in the morgue when I worked for the eye bank, but this was different. This was laced with anxiety, fear and dread of the living - not the dying."